Our Quartets

We have a number of great quartets in First State Harmonizers Chorus that we are very proud of. They are available to perform at your event. They would also enjoy visiting your school chorus or music program to introduce and educate your young singers to the Barbershop style of a cappella singing.  If your next event would be enhanced by some intimate four-part harmonies, please contact one of our quartet representatives:





Backswing Quartet2Backswing Quartet

Contact: Dave Manwiller

(302) 233-8018

Contact Backswing


Backswing has been a registered quartet in the Barbershop Harmony Society for the past four years. Three of the quartet members have been in a quartet for the past 29 to 35 years. The newest edition (the young guy) is catching on quickly. Hard to tell who the "young guy" is in this picture, isn't it?  We perform at a variety of events and venues to include weddings, anniversary parties, singing valentines, birthdays, senior centers, service organizations, and funerals.   We also schedule visits to local school music programs to introduce young singers to the Barbershop style of a cappella singing.  There aren't many places or events for which we have not performed, so call or send us an email and we'll come and sing at your event.

  • Tom Herholdt, baritone
  • Mark Butala, bass
  • Dave Manwiller, lead
  • Kevin Beard, tenor




Old Mill Four6Old Mill Four Quartet

Contact:  Harry Humes

(302) 422-8620

Contact Old Mill Four Quartet


The Old Mill Four are an accomplished quartet who enjoy singing four part harmony.
They have been singing together for 4 years.  They sing at a variety of venues that include nursing homes, Christmas parties, Valentines, town festivals, church services and funerals.  We also schedle visits to local school music programs to intruduce young singers to the Barbershop style of a cappella singng.
  • Stu Collins, baritone
  • Harry Humes, bass
  • John Webster, lead
  • Paul Buckley, tenor

The Old Mill Four Quartet rehearses once a week and perform many times during the year.

© 2025 First State Harmonizers
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